Thursday, July 26, 2018

Flipside 7 26 2018

Ken Lockwood Gorge

Greetings, I am living on borrowed time, and at least if I die young, at least I had some chocolate on my tongue.... Peace and love ,sweet dreams, God bless you, PB

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Flipside radio 7 11 18

Hey, There is nothing like chocolate sundae with Hershey syrup, whipped cream and walnuts. I am watching Hercule Poirot as I type this note. Thank you for meeting me in the air waves, catch you on the flipside tomorrow night I  hope. Peace and love and sweet dreams, PB

Flipside radio for 7 5 2018

Hi I am filling in for Desolation Row 8PM - 10PM tonight 7 11 18

Greetings and happy independence day peace and love and God bless us everyone , PB